Unlock actionable trigger-based agent alerts

Agent Intel Plus agent activity notifications include:

Competitor alerts

Prospect alerts

Open house alerts

Social alerts

Connect alerts

Thanks to American Financial Network, your monthly subscription cost is $125 for the Elite with Agent Intel

Have questions or need assistance?

Darin Burton

Account Executive, Sales

For general product support, please reach us at support@listreports.com - we’re here to help!

Agent Intel Plus

Actionable trigger-based alerts to ensure you never miss an opportunity.

Competitor alerts

When agents you work with transact with a competing LO, reach out to protect and grow wallet share

Prospect alerts

Targeted agent recommendations who mirror agents in your sphere to follow and interact with

Open house alerts

Win favor with agents by easily sending a pre-made Open House promotional graphic using our smart email template

Social alerts

Meet your agents where they’re at with centralized social media posts for you to like, share, and comment on

Connect alerts

When it’s just the right time, take your relationship to the next level by inviting & pairing up on ListReports®

Unlock expanded access now thanks to AFN management.


Generate opportunities for you and your agent partners using the latest, data-powered ListReports® solutions.

Receive digital, co-branded marketing materials for paired agents

Capture leads with ready-to-go social media content

Share dynamic groups of listings with consumers

New Rez joint venture partners

Agent education tools

Resources designed to help you educate agents on the benefits of ListReports and the additional features they unlock automatically by pairing with you.

Agent value presentation

Great for both in-person and virtual meetings, this presentation highlights all of the ListReports solutions available for agents paired with you

View now

Agent value presentation

Great for both in-person and virtual meetings, this presentation highlights all of the ListReports solutions available for agents paired with you

Agent value flyer

A double-sided flyer that you can email, print, and/or snail-mail to your agents. You can also use it as a take-away for your agents after a meeting or presentation.

Download now

Proven scripts

Have an upcoming call with an agent? We've got call scripts that you can use for agents that you'd like to enroll or send offers to.

View now

Agent prospecting video

In under 3 minutes, learn how to set up filters to get strategic and save time when prospecting.

The Daily ListReport

Watch this brief explanation of the magic behind the industry-leading email that your agents receive on your behalf (and features your branding!) every single day.

Have questions or need assistance?

Darin Burton

Account Executive, Sales

For general product support, please reach us at support@listreports.com - we’re here to help!